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Elizabeth Cardozo-Richards (Lizzie Cardozo) is a London born and based artist. After completing training at London Studio Centre in 2015 she continued to pursue a career in the arts. Lizzie completed her MA in Fine Art at Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London, finishing in 2021. Since then she has shown internationally, including places like the Saatchi gallery, The Museum in Taipei and other spaces across London. Lizzie has also taught at Chelsea College of Arts and is now running her own Cyanotype making workshops. 


Lizzie explores a wide range of found utilitarian and domestic materials. She then makes with these materials sculptures, installations and performances. Unable to pin down one medium Lizzie calls herself a multidisciplinary artist. Her pernicious curiosity in materials has led her to make works in bronze, glass, clay, steel and moving image to name a few. This curiosity is met with a physicality influenced by her dance training. 


Her most recent works are looking at ways in which to archive the body. Thinking about how the body archives experiences and how to reinterpret those moments materially. The works expresses a discourse between the body and the materials it comes in contact with. One primary process she is investigating is the cyanotype print making technique. Experimenting with ways in which to make fleeting actions permanent, making a physical diary through material investigation. Her works become a visual diary expressing ideas of identity, family, belonging and generational patterns. Lizzie is inspired by artists such as Louise Bourgeois that look at similar themes such as home, family, mortality, femininity and masculinity. 


Lizzie works and exhibits in London. Alongside her practice she runs a pop-up gallery space called SHOP FRONT which uses empty shop fronts across London to champion emerging artists by exhibiting their works and aiding in sales. 




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